How can I see all the issues I'm watching on Github?


Github Problem Overview

Github has a great feature where you can "watch" an issue. This is handy for getting notifications about progress on that issue.

However, sometimes you want to find the status of an issue you know you've flagged to watch, but can't remember what it was. This is particularly interesting, imho, for projects that are not your own projects. E.g. watching a bug in a library that your project uses but you don't contribute to frequently.

What I tried: Note that this is different from watching a repo. I tried searching github help (for "watch issue" and "subscribe issue" with no luck. I read the Unsubscribing from Conversations with some hope, but it didn't quite apply. While looking at the issues for the repository that I (think! I) subscribed to, I tried the various search criteria dropdowns with no luck. Last but not least, I read how to subscribe here at SO in case it mentioned how to see the subscribed list.

To those who might flag this as not being about programming, I can only ask for a better place to put this? As Github is a commonly used programming tool, I view this as highly relevant.

Github Solutions

Solution 1 - Github

You can see all the Github issues you are currently subscribed to at

You can navigate to this page from any page by clicking the notification/bell icon on the top right and then selecting "Manage notifications" > "Subscriptions" from the left menu panel.

Solution 2 - Github

Github does not have any option to list all the watched issues.

Marking labels on such issues also does not solve the purpose.

But github sends notification whenever there is any change in the issue. So you can check all the notification at a single place

By default, this will show unread notifications (also indicated by a mailbox with a number in the top right corner). From that page you can choose "All Notifications", or to see all the issues being watched that have had at least one update since you subscribed to it.

Solution 3 - Github

According to the GitHub API v3 documentation1, there is a way to list subscribed issues in owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories. However, it does not list subscribed issues from any arbitrary repository in which you are not involved.

On Unix you can access the API like this (just enter your GitHub password when propmted):

curl --user "MyUserName"

    "url": "",
    "repository_url": "",

Or use this command to format the output as a list of links to the issues:

curl --user "MyUserName" | \
    grep '"url"' | grep -o '*/issues/[0-9]*' | \
    sed 's#'


1 Since my edit to the first answer mentioning the GitHub API was rejected, I'm adding the examples here.

> The following method does not work for subscribe-only issues.

As a workaround you can enter this into the search box, either on, or on

is:open is:issue involves:YourUserName

This will show you all issues in which you are involved in some way, but not issues you are only subscribed to. The GitHub help page states:

> The involves qualifier is just a logical OR between the author, assignee, mentions and commenter qualifiers for the same user.

Solution 4 - Github

If you want to see all the issues for a certain project that you have been part of i.e, interacted with that issue in any way. Do this;

In the search of Github issues do this.

is:issue commenter:<username here>

This will list all the issues that you are watching.

Solution 5 - Github

Seems you can fetch this information via Github API

> GET /orgs/:org/issues

Name 	Type 	Description
filter 	string 	Indicates which sorts of issues to return. Can be one of:
* assigned: Issues assigned to you
* created: Issues created by you
* mentioned: Issues mentioning you
* subscribed: Issues you're subscribed to updates for
* all: All issues the authenticated user can see, regardless of participation or creation
Default: assigned

Solution 6 - Github

Using query strings (query params) you can return results that are as granular as you wish.

For example:  (intentional break)

Examples: (all spaces in below examples should be + signs in URL)

sumting in:title,body matches issues with "sumting" in their title or body, e.g.

is:issue label:bug is:closed matches closed issues with the label "bug."

author:yourusername is:open whachamacallit in:body is:issue

commenter:someusername is:closed whachamacallit in:title,body is:pr

Quick Reference:
(NB: No space after the colon : in real usage; Most can be negated as in linked example)

assignee: USERNAME
closed: YYYY-MM-DD
created: YYYY-MM-DD also e.g. created: <2021-06-01
comments: <10 / >32 / 5...10 e.g. comments:3...5
commenter: USERNAME
in: title/body/comments
is: merged/unmerged/open/closed/archived
-linked: pr (items that are NOT linked to a PR)
label: LABEL
mentions: USERNAME
milestone: MILESTONE
review: none/required/approved
(cont) review:changes-requested/review-requested/reviewed-by
Note: docs show changes_requested uses underscore, but seems to work using hyphen
state: open/closed
status: pending/success/failure

(there are more in the links referenced below)


Github - Searching issues and PRs

Github - Searching commits

Github - Searching code

Github - Searching other

URL Encoded characters (e.g. %3A == : )


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionmm2001View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - GithubapaatsioView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - GithubBhavya ShaktawatView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - GithubFritzView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - GithubAdeel ImranView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - GithubgadelatView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - GithubcssyphusView Answer on Stackoverflow