How can I check if an SQL result contains a newline character?
SqlSql ServerSsmsSql Problem Overview
I have a varchar column that contains the string lol\ncats
, however, in SQL Management Studio it shows up as lol cats
How can I check if the \n
is there or not?
Sql Solutions
Solution 1 - Sql
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column LIKE '%' + CHAR(10) + '%'
FROM your_table
WHERE CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), your_column) > 0
Solution 2 - Sql
Use char(13)
for '\r'
and char(10)
for '\n'
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column LIKE '%' + CHAR(10) + '%'
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column LIKE '%' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '%'
Solution 3 - Sql
For any fellow MySQL users who end up here:
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column LIKE CONCAT('%', CHAR(10), '%')
Solution 4 - Sql
In Oracle, try the below command
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE field_name LIKE ('%'||chr(10)||'%');
Solution 5 - Sql
For me, the following worked just fine in both MySQL Workbench & HeidiSQL (working with MySQL) without having to use the char()
variation of \n
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE field_name LIKE '%\n%'
Solution 6 - Sql
FROM Table
WHERE PATINDEX('%' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '%', Column) > 0
Solution 7 - Sql
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn REGEXP "\n";
Solution 8 - Sql
select cc.columnname,right(cc.columnname,1),ASCII(right(cc.columnname,1)) ,cc.*
from table_name cc where
ASCII(right(cc.columnname,1)) = 13
=> Column name is column where you want to fine new line or Carriage return.right(cc.columnname,1)
=> this will show only one char what is there at the end. usually it display only blankASCII(right(cc.columnname,1))
=> here we get Acii value of that not printable value.
by seeing this ascii value we can conclude which item it is. Example , if this acsci value is 13 then Carriage return , if it is 10 then NEw line we have to use this to filter that record
=> this gives all the values from the table ( display purpose)where ASCII(right(cc.columnname,1)) = 13
=> here i found all the values are 13 asci value so filtering ascii value 13
it is working for me .
Solution 9 - Sql
For any fellow Redshift users who end up here:
select * from your_table where your_column ~ '[\r\n]+'