Getting computer's UTC offset in Python


Python Problem Overview

In Python, how do you find what UTC time offset the computer is set to?

Python Solutions

Solution 1 - Python


import time

print -time.timezone

It prints UTC offset in seconds (to take into account Daylight Saving Time (DST) see time.altzone:

is_dst = time.daylight and time.localtime().tm_isdst > 0
utc_offset = - (time.altzone if is_dst else time.timezone)

where utc offset is defined via: "To get local time, add utc offset to utc time."

In Python 3.3+ there is tm_gmtoff attribute if underlying C library supports it:

utc_offset = time.localtime().tm_gmtoff

Note: time.daylight may give a wrong result in some edge cases.

tm_gmtoff is used automatically by datetime if it is available on Python 3.3+:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

d =
utc_offset = d.utcoffset() // timedelta(seconds=1)

To get the current UTC offset in a way that workarounds the time.daylight issue and that works even if tm_gmtoff is not available, @jts's suggestion to substruct the local and UTC time can be used:

import time
from datetime import datetime

ts = time.time()
utc_offset = (datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) -

To get UTC offset for past/future dates, pytz timezones could be used:

from datetime import datetime
from tzlocal import get_localzone # $ pip install tzlocal

tz = get_localzone() # local timezone 
d = # or some other local date 
utc_offset = d.utcoffset().total_seconds()

It works during DST transitions, it works for past/future dates even if the local timezone had different UTC offset at the time e.g., Europe/Moscow timezone in 2010-2015 period.

Solution 2 - Python

gmtime() will return the UTC time and localtime() will return the local time so subtracting the two should give you the utc offset.

From > The gmtime() function shall convert the time in seconds since the Epoch pointed to by timer into a broken-down time, expressed as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

So, despite the name gmttime, the function returns UTC.

Solution 3 - Python

I like:

>>> strftime('%z')

I tried JTS' answer first, but it gave me the wrong result. I'm in -0700 now, but it was saying I was in -0800. But I had to do some conversion before I could get something I could subtract, so maybe the answer was more incomplete than incorrect.

Solution 4 - Python

the time module has a timezone offset, given as an integer in "seconds west of UTC"

import time

Solution 5 - Python

You can use the datetime and dateutil libraries to get the offset as a timedelta object:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from import tzlocal
>>> # From a datetime object
>>> current_time =
>>> current_time.utcoffset()
>>> current_time.dst()
>>> # From a tzlocal object
>>> time_zone = tzlocal()
>>> time_zone.utcoffset(
>>> time_zone.dst(
>>> print('Your UTC offset is {:+g}'.format(current_time.utcoffset().total_seconds()/3600))
Your UTC offset is +2

Solution 6 - Python

hours_delta = (time.mktime(time.localtime()) - time.mktime(time.gmtime())) / 60 / 60

Solution 7 - Python

Create a Unix Timestamp with UTC Corrected Timezone

This simple function will make it easy for you to get the current time from a MySQL/PostgreSQL database date object.

def timestamp(date='2018-05-01'):
    return int(time.mktime(
        datetime.datetime.strptime( date, "%Y-%m-%d" ).timetuple()
    )) + int(time.strftime('%z')) * 6 * 6
Example Output
>>> timestamp('2018-05-01')
>>> timestamp('2018-06-01')

Solution 8 - Python

Here is some python3 code with just datetime and time as imports. HTH

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import time
>>> def date2iso(thedate):
...     strdate = thedate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
...     minute = (time.localtime().tm_gmtoff / 60) % 60
...     hour = ((time.localtime().tm_gmtoff / 60) - minute) / 60
...     utcoffset = "%.2d%.2d" %(hour, minute)
...     if utcoffset[0] != '-':
...         utcoffset = '+' + utcoffset
...     return strdate + utcoffset
>>> date2iso(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()))

Solution 9 - Python

This works for me:

if time.daylight > 0:
        return time.altzone
        return time.timezone


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionPaulView Question on Stackoverflow
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Solution 2 - PythonjtsView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 9 - PythonAlecsView Answer on Stackoverflow