Get Traceback of warnings


Python Problem Overview

In numpy we can do np.seterr(invalid='raise') to get a traceback for warnings raising an error instead (see this post).

  • Is there a general way for tracing warnings?

  • Can I make python to give a traceback, when a warning is raised?

Python Solutions

Solution 1 - Python

You can get what you want by assigning to warnings.showwarning. The warnings module documentation itself recommends that you do that, so it's not that you're being tempted by the dark side of the source. :)

> You may replace this function with an alternative implementation by assigning to warnings.showwarning.

You can define a new function that does what warning.showwarning normaly does and additionally it prints the stack. Then you place it instead of the original:

import traceback
import warnings
import sys

def warn_with_traceback(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
    log = file if hasattr(file,'write') else sys.stderr
    log.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line))

warnings.showwarning = warn_with_traceback

After this, every warning will print the stack trace as well as the warning message. Take into account, however, that if the warning is ignored because it is not the first one, nothing will happen, so you still need to execute:


You can get a similar control that the one numpy.seterr gives through the warning module's filters

If what you want is python to report every a warning every time it is triggered and not only the first time, you can include something like:

import warnings

You can get other behaviours by passing different strings as arguments. Using the same function you can also specify different behaviours for warnings depending on the module that raised them, the message they provide, the warning class, the line of code that is causing it and so on...

You can check the list in the module documentation

As an example, you can set all the warnings to raise exceptions, except the DeprecationWarnings that should be ignored completely:

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)

This way you get the full traceback for each warning raised as error (only the first one, since execution will stop... but you can address them one by one, and create a filter to ignore the ones you don't want to hear about again...

Solution 2 - Python

Run your program like

python -W error

This makes all warnings fatal, see here for more information

Solution 3 - Python

You can use warnings.filterwarnings() to turn selected warnings into exceptions and get a traceback as follows:

import warnings
    'error', 'DateTimeField .* received a naive datetime',
    RuntimeWarning, 'django.db.models.fields'

Solution 4 - Python

For Python3, see stacklevel parameter in the warnings module documentation. This can be particularly helpful when 3rd party warnings are buried in the call stack: set warnings.warn call parameter to stacklevel=2, see the traceback, make changes where necessary, revert / remove stacklevel to original state.

Solution 5 - Python

Options to log the warning with minimal disruption to program flow.
Get traceback without raising an error:

import warnings
import traceback

warnings.filterwarnings("error")  # Treat warnings as errors
except Warning:
    print(traceback.format_exc())  # print traceback
warnings.resetwarnings()  # Back to default behavior

If you want to execute the same (or similar) code either way, you could execute it in the except block, this time ignoring the warning, since you already got its traceback:

import warnings
import traceback

warnings.filterwarnings("error")  # Treat warnings as errors
except Warning:
    print(traceback.format_exc())  # print traceback
    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  # ignore warnings
    your_code()  # Execute either way (same code or alternative code)
warnings.resetwarnings()  # Back to default behavior


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionembertView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PythonmgabView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PythonJakob BowyerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PythonmrtsView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PythonGG_PythonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PythonSantiago Ruiz-ValdepeñasView Answer on Stackoverflow