Fatal error: Out of memory, but I do have plenty of memory (PHP)


Php Problem Overview

Since my question is getting longer and longer, I decide to re-write the whole question to make it better and shorter.

I run my website on dedicated server with 8GB memory. I am fully aware that I need to raise the memory limit on php.ini setting. I have set it from 128M to 256M and to -1. Still the problem is persistence.

> Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 786432) (tried to allocate 24576 > bytes) in D:\www\football\views\main.php on line 81

The out of memory does not make sense because it said only 786432 bytes is allocated and it needed 24576 bytes more.

786432 bytes is only 768 kilobytes and is fairly small.


  • The error occurs on a very random line. It does not always error on line number 81.
  • At peak time, Apache only takes around 500mb of memory. I still have 6GB to spare.
  • There is no infinite loop.
  • The script takes 1,042,424 bytes. Getting this number from echo memory_get_peak_usage();
  • The resultset from MySQL is small (at most 12 of rows, purely text, no blob data)
  • (Important) If I restart Apache once every two days, the error is gone. It usually happens when Apache is running more than 2 days.
  • I have included the profiling the script and you can get it here.
  • This dedicated server is purely used to run only one website. This website is a high traffic website with average of 1,000 visitors every minute. At peak time, there will be 1,700 to 2,000 visitors accessing at the same time.

Server Spec

> OS: Windows 2008 R2 64-Bit
> CPU: Intel Core i5 - 4 cores
> RAM: 8 GB
> Apache 2.2
> PHP 5.3.1
> Storage: 2 x 1 TB hard drives
> Bandwidth: 10 TB per month


I have finally tuned up and fixed the problem and I would like to share it here what I have done to improve:

  1. favicon.ico was missing which mess up with my route engine. Although my route engine is very small, but by including favicon.ico, it helps reduce memory usage by not running my route engine. Most of part of my website has it and I forgot to put it for this new section.

  2. Limit MaxRequestPerChild helps. In my other dedicated server, I have my MaxRequestPerChild limited. For this server, I set it to 0. I always thought that each script is isolated. Lets say if my script takes 800kb to run. Upon its completion, Apache or PHP should free 800kb memory. It seem like it doesn't work this way. Limited MaxRequestPerChild does help to prevent memory leak by creating new process after limited MaxRequestPerChild and the old process is dying. This is my new setting.

    ThreadsPerChild      1500
    MaxRequestsPerChild  10000 
  3. ob_flush(); does reduce slightly more memory. It does not help much but every bit of optimization helps.

  4. I have used xdebug which I have never used before as suggested by people who attempt to answer this question. I have to say it is great tool and I have optimized a few stuffs to make it run slightly faster.

  5. I have disable a few unnecessary Apache module. I am trying to disable it one by one and leave it a few days test to ensure it works perfectly before I disable another one. I do have all unnecessary PHP extension disable now.

  6. Most of my script in this server used traditional way (no template, no database layer, pure PHP, HTML, and legacy mysql_* function). To be honest, it runs very fast and used extremely small memory. However, maintenance the script is not very easy as the website is getting longer. I have tried to convert some parts of the website into proper framework (my own tiny framework). The reason that I used my own framework because it is tiny (3kb for the whole framework and include only what I need).

  7. Switching to IIS7.5 solving this problem completely.

Php Solutions

Solution 1 - Php

I ran accross the same kind of problem with the server dying when trying to use the swap. This is because mod_php does not free memory ever. So Apache processes keep growing either reaching apache or PHP's memory limit or, if there's no limit, crashing the server.

Restarting apache makes it to spawn new fresh slim processes but as they run PHP scripts over time, they grow until problems arise.

The solution is to make apache to kill processes after a certain number of queries served so it will create new ones ( There are some questions related to that) reducing the MaxRequestsPerChild configuration option to, let's say 100 (Defaults to 1000).

Of course this may reduce server performances as it takes ressources to kill and spawn new processes but at least it keeps the site working. You might be tempted to raise the number of running processes to keep performances high, be sure PHP (or apache) memory limit x max number of processes do not get over your server's physical ram.

Here's my experience, hope it helps.

Solution 2 - Php

For starters, memory_get_peak_usage() will not be helpful here. It will only return the amount of memory which was allocated, and that is the same number which caused the error.

memory_get_usage will return the active amount of memory which is being allocated when it is called.

ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); will set the maximum allowance of PHP's footprint on your systems Memory. If you are getting OOM at 768K, upping it will not fix the problem.

There is no indication as to what version of PHP you are using, but I would suggest an upgrade immediately. There are several bugs where Zend's Memory Manager fails to deallocate memory, which would lead you exactly to the same problem.

Are both your local server and your production server running the same version of OS, the same long bit and the same version of PHP? The answer will be no.

If it is unrelated to the windows malloc() issue, being it is a sub domain and probably within a VirtualHost, and allocating only 768k, it almost sounds like an OS issue.

Run tasklist from the command prompt when you access your script. Do you see an additional Apache thread, or Memory usage across the processes spike?

One last idea is, run flush() and/or ob_flush(); after each loop for the table row/column. This should clear your buffer and save you some memory in the event this is where the issue is occurring.

Solution 3 - Php

I would start by upgrading PHP to 5.4+ as it's up to 50% faster for some applications. They fixed a large number of memory leaks. Please see becnhamrks: http://news.php.net/php.internals/57760

Solution 4 - Php

Please note that the error is Out of memory and is not Allowed memory size [..] exhausted.

So the memory leak is elsewhere on the system. It's possible that mysql server use a lot of system memory after this heavy query, leaving apache/php without it physical and swap.

This should explain the error always on the same line (and/or in the same script).

Solution 5 - Php

Install xdebug and enable profiler trigger. Generate a profiler file, then post the cachegrind file if you still would not be able to tell the source of the problem.

EDIT: profiler file of the page where the memory leak happens of course!

Solution 6 - Php

I would guess that you either haven't edited the right php.ini or you haven't restarted PHP and/or the webserver.

Create a phpinfo.php page in your docroot with the contents <?php phpinfo(); to make sure you are changing the correct php.ini. In addition to the location of the php.ini file the webserver is using, it will also state the maximum script memory allowed.

Next, I would add some stack traces to your page so you can see the chain of events that led to this. The following function will catch fatal errors and provide more information about what happened.

	if($error = error_get_last())
		// Should actually log this instead of printing out...

Personally, Nginx + PHP-FPM is what I have used for years since I left slow ol' Apache.

Solution 7 - Php

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated SOLVED
i had similar problem, for months no solution. finally i was checking in one of the apache folders i.e(\apache\conf\extra) i came across this file that controls the memory allocation of apache. the file name is httpd-mpm in that file you are to increase the MaxMemFree which is set 2048 to something higher, i took mine to 10000 for the first MaxMemFree (IfModule !mpm_netware_module) then made the second one MaxMemFree to 5000 IfModule mpm_netware_module.

These solved my problem. hope it helps

Solution 8 - Php

Could be an issue with MySQL and the number of open connections, hence why it sorts itself out when you restart every few days. Are they auto closing on script shutdown?

Solution 9 - Php

Hey I also got the same problem on my server. I just changed the following things :

change php.ini to...

memory_limit = 128M

and add to httpd.conf

RLimitMEM 1073741824 2147483648

and restart apache & i removed the error :

Solution 10 - Php

Just to recap (I'm adding this answer quite a distance from the original question):

  • PHP is unable to allocate what appears to be a small amount of memory
  • the current memory usage at the time the error occrs + the requested amount is less than the memory limit currently in force
  • the system has 6Gb available for use by PHP when this occurs
  • since the problem is resolved by restarting apache - it's apache which is preventing the memory from beig available to PHP

If these are all valid then the only possible explanation is that the 6Gb is very fragmented - which I think is a little unlikely. You didn't say how PHP is invoked from Apache - mod_php? fpm? Fcgi?

I would start by examining each of the above predicates - particularly the free memory one. How do you know that there's 6Gb free when the error occurs? A more likely cause is that there's a memory leak occurring which you're not spotting.

You've not provided any details of how apache is configured; I'd also have a look at reducing MaxRequestsPerChild and MaxMemFree. (I'm not very familiar with worker apache where this will apply per thread - really you need a limit per process). If you provided the core setting from the apache config then maybe we could make further suggestions.

Unless you are using Ajax extensively, make sure your keepalive time is 2 or less.

Solution 11 - Php

The following two facts definitely point to memory leaks:

  1. The error appears at different lines in your code,
  2. The error reports a relatively small memory allocation.

I would first single out PDO, disabling all the other extensions and let it run overnight using something like Siege / Apache Bench (ab). You could also try running it using the cli interface (just make sure you keep the same memory limits).

You could use the memory_get_peak_usage() function at the end of your script to see how much memory PHP thinks it has been using.

From your comment that's 800 kB, which is okay; definitely not the gigantic amount of memory that would cause an out-of-memory ;-)

Lastly, though I wouldn't recommend upgrading to 5.4 at this point, upgrading to the latest 5.3.x is probably worth it due to multiple vulnerabilities and leaks that have been addressed since 5.3.1

Solution 12 - Php

this happened to me a few days ago. I did a fresh installation and it still happened. as far as everyone sees and based on your server specs. most likely it is an infinite loop. it could be not on the PHP code itself but on the requests made to Apache.

lets say when you access this url http://localhost/mysite/page_with_multiple_requests

Check your Apache's access log if it receives multiple requests. trace that request and check out the code that might cause a 'bottleneck' to the system (mine's exec() when using sendmail). The bottleneck im talking about doesn't need to be an 'infinite loop'. It could be a function that takes sometime to finish. or maybe some of php's 'program execution functions'

You might need to check ajax requests too (the ones that execute when the page loads). if that ajax request redirects to the same url

e.g. httpx://localhost/mysite/page_with_multiple_requests

it would 'redo' the requests all over again

it would help if you post the random lines or the code itself where the script ends maybe there is a 'loop' code somewhere there. imho php won't just call random lines for nothing.


Solution 13 - Php

Most of the time you get such a error, problem is in code. I am not trying to say that you are writing code that is bad, I am trying to say that you need to carefully observe what's there in that is using this much amount of memory.

Always remember "Garbage collection in PHP is pretty bad", it's not like Java, any other such language. there is a way to enforce garbage collection through gc_collect_cycle, but, in my personal opinion, that won't solve your problem. PHP free all memory used for executing a page, once request-response cycle is complete, so you may run into memory issues, if your script is long running, like a background script(Gearman etc), because, memory isn't freed till script is running.

If above is not the case with your scr,pt, and as you said there is no code that requires such a huge amount of memory, then problem is most definitely in code it self, and upgrading to any version of PHP won't solve the problem. I was facing with one of my Gearman scripts once, and there was a problem with one of my loop where I was appending one variable to one of my array, the variable itself was very heavy (approx 110KB of data). So I would suggest, do a careful inspection of your code.


Solution 14 - Php

I had a similar problem with PHP:

  1. Check your error logs. Eliminate EVERY error before continuing.
  2. Consider modifying your apache configuration to eliminate unused modules - this will reduce the footprint needed by PHP - here's a great link for this - it's specific to Wordpress but should still be very useful http://thethemefoundry.com/blog/optimize-apache-wordpress/

To give you an idea of the kind of bug I found, I had some code that was trying to post content to Facebook, Facebook then modified their API so this broke, I also used a 'content expirator' which basically meant that it kept retrying to post this content to Facebook and leaving loads of objects lying in memory.

Solution 15 - Php

From the profiler output file I've noticed a couple of things which I did not like/trust much and would look into these:

Apart from not knowing the meaning of the output numbers to detect an anomaly or how PHP scripts work..., Is this not a problem? Having an include to the same main.ph file, which looks like a recursive thing?

2121 fl=D:\www\football\views\main.php
2122 fn=include::D:\www\football\views\main.php

Noticed the file D:\www\football\views\main.php is making use of some string functions several times, I guess it is calling these functions on the data returned by your query:


If, like in the C language, these functions require strings be null terminated or some other end of string terminator to avoid memory problems, I would look at the strings returned by your query.

Can you post the url of your website?

Solution 16 - Php

This is a known bug in PHP v 5.2 for Windows, it is present at least to version 5.2.3: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41615

None of the suggested fixes have helped for us, we're going to have to update PHP.

Solution 17 - Php

Try to run php over fcgid, this may help:

> These are the classic errors you will see when running PHP as an > Apache module. We struggled with these errors for months. Switching to > using PHP via mod_fcgid (as James recommends) will fix all of these > problems. Be sure you have the latest Visual C++ Redistributable > package installed: > > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2019667 > > Also, I recommend switching to the 64-bit version of MySQL. No real > reason to run the 32-bit version anymore.

Source: Apache crash due to a problem in php5ts.dll

Solution 18 - Php

I would say the server is running out of physical/swap memory, so PHP can't allocate enough memory.

Can you paste the output of free here?

Solution 19 - Php

For my case, this error was triggered because of a huge select query (hundreds of thousands of returned results).

It arose immediately after adding millions of records in my Database to test the scalability of WordPress, so it was the only probable reason for me.

Solution 20 - Php

I know it's an old thread, but here's my experience getting it resolved.

My server is a hosted service running Apache.

My script crashed with out of memory at 6Mb, when my limit Was 256Mb - crazy, yeah?

It is being called synchronously via an http callback, from javascript running on my client, and crashed after around 550 calls. After much time wasted with incompetent "Escalated Support" guys, my script now magically runs.

They said all they did was to reset php.ini, but I checked the differences: enter image description here

No changes there that I can see that could have a bearing on an Out of Memory error.

I suspect a memory leak in the web server which my "Escalated Support" guy is hiding under the guise of resetting the php.ini. And, really, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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