Entity Framework include with left join is this possible?
C#Entity FrameworkLeft JoinC# Problem Overview
I have the following tables
- ClassRoom (ClassID,ClassName)
- StudentClass (StudentID,ClassID)
- Student (StudentID,StudentName,Etc..)
- StudentDescription. (StudentDescriptionID,StudentID,StudentDescription)
I want to retrieve all the information on student==1
In sql I would do something like BELOW and get all the info about a student.
select * from Student s
join StudentClass sc on s.StudentID=sc.StudentID
join ClassRoom c on sc.ClassID=c.ClassID
left join StudentDescription sd on s.StudentID=sd.StudentID
where s.StudentID=14
Now my problem.Using EF4 I did something like this but cannot make it work. Also can you do an include and a left join
Attempt 1
private static StudentDto LoadStudent(int studentId)
StudentDto studentDto = null;
using (var ctx = new TrainingContext())
var query = ctx.Students
studentDto = new StudentDto();
studentDto.StudentId = query.StudentID;
studentDto.StudentName = query.StudentName;
studentDto.StudentDescription = ??
return studentDto;
Attempt 2 again incomplete and wrong
using (var ctx = new TrainingContext())
var query = (from s in ctx.Students
join sd in ctx.StudentDescriptions on s.StudentID equals sd.StudentID into g
from stuDesc in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
As you can see I dont know what I am doing here. How can I convert that Sql into a EF Query?
C# Solutions
Solution 1 - C#
Yes, it is possible.
Firstly, .Include
does a LEFT OUTER JOIN, using the navigational property you pass through.
This is how you would explicitly do a LEFT JOIN between Student and StudentDescription:
var query = from s in ctx.Students
from sd in s.StudentDescriptions.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { StudentName = s.Name, StudentDescription = sd.Description };
As you can see, it's performing the JOIN based on the entity association between Students and StudentDescriptions. In your EF model, you should have a navigational property called StudentDescriptions on your Student entity. The above code is simply using that to perform the join, and defaulting if empty.
The code is basically identical to .Include
Please don't get confused with LEFT JOIN vs LEFT OUTER JOIN.
They are the same thing.
The "OUTER" keyword is optional, i believe it is there for ANSI-92 compatability.
Just .Include
everything you need in your query:
using (var ctx = new TrainingContext())
studentDo = ctx.Students
.Select(x => new StudentDto
StudentId = x.StudentId,
StudentName = x.StudentName
StudentDescription = x.StudentDescription.Description
Basically, make sure all your FK's are expressed as navigational properties on your model, then if so, you don't need to do any joins. Any relationships you require can be done with .Include
Solution 2 - C#
I just had this problem, in my case it was the EntityTypeConfiguration that was wrong
I had:
HasRequired(s => s.ClassRoom)
.HasForeignKey(student => student.ClassRoomId);
Instead of:
HasOptional(s => s.ClassRoom)
.HasForeignKey(student => student.ClassRoomId);
It seems HasRequired makes a INNER JOIN while HasOptional makes a LEFT JOIN.
Solution 3 - C#
- If StudentDescription.StudentId is nullable -> EF performs a LEFT JOIN, i.e.
select * from Student s LEFT JOIN StudentDescription sd on s.StudentID=sd.StudentID
. - Otherwise EF does INNER JOIN.
Solution 4 - C#
The behavior of .Include
- The property is requeired: Always translates to
; - The type of foreign key is not nullable: translates to
in default, but you can add.IsRequired(false)
to turn it to beLEFT OUT JOIN
. - The type of property is collection will always translates to
Solution 5 - C#
If you want a 1 to 1 relation, you can simply map your foreign Id and make it nullable.
public int? MyForeignClassId { get; set; }
public MyForeignClass MyForeignClass { get; set; }