Does JavaScript have a Map literal notation?

JavascriptEcmascript 6

Javascript Problem Overview

As of ES6, JavaScript has a proper Map object. I don't see a way to use a literal notation though, as you could with an Array or an Object. Am I missing it, or does it not exist?

Array: var arr = ["Foo", "Bar"];

Object: var obj = { foo: "Foo", bar: "Bar" };

Map: ???

Javascript Solutions

Solution 1 - Javascript

No, ES6 does not have a literal notation for Maps or Sets.

You will have to use their constructors, passing an iterable (typically an array literal):

var map = new Map([["foo", "Foo"], ["bar", "Bar"], …]);

var set = new Set(["Foo", "Bar", …]);

There are some proposals to add new literal syntax to the language, but none made it into ES6 (and I'm personally not confident they will make it into any future version).

Solution 2 - Javascript

There is a way to do it, like we do with literals

const fruits = new Map(Object.entries({apples: 1, bananas: 2}))

Solution 3 - Javascript

It's like a HashMap -- there is no literal version. You have to define it like you would a constructor.

You can read this topic which discusses map literals though, and why they should be added. It's basically others potential proposals on Map literals. I personally can't forsee a literal syntax in ES7, since Maps are very easy to use as is -- but in future proposals there could be syntactic sugar applied.

An example of potential literal notation was discussed using an octothorp (a hash) to look something like:

const myMap = Map#{expression("derp"): value("herp")};


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMattView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavascriptBergiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavascriptAlex ShwarcView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavascriptSterling ArcherView Answer on Stackoverflow