Default php function that turns negative numbers in 0
PhpMathVariablesNumbersPhp Problem Overview
Is there such a thing?
for eg
$var = -5;
echo thefunction($var); // should be 0
$var = 5;
echo thefunction($var); // should be 5
Php Solutions
Solution 1 - Php
Try max($var,0)
, which will have the desired effect. See the manual page for more information.
Solution 2 - Php
Not built-in but, here you have:
function thefunction($var){
return ($var < 0 ? 0 : $var);
Hope this helps
Solution 3 - Php
In PHP, checking if a integer is negative and if it is then setting it to zero is easy, but I was looking for something shorter (and potentially faster) than:
if ($x < 0) $x = 0;
Well, this is a very quick check and reset, but there is a function max that does this too and it works with arrays too.
$x = max(0, $x); // $x will be set to 0 if it was less than 0
The max() function returns the number with the highest value of two specified numbers.
echo max(1, 3, 5, 6, 7); // 7
echo max(array(2, 4, 5)); // 5
echo max(0, 'hello'); // 0
echo max('hello', 0); // hello
echo max(-1, 'hello'); // hello
// With multiple arrays, max compares from left to right
// so in our example: 2 == 2, but 4 < 5
$val = max(array(2, 4, 8), array(2, 5, 7)); // array(2, 5, 7)
// If both an array and non-array are given, the array
// is always returned as it's seen as the largest
$val = max('string', array(2, 5, 7), 42); // array(2, 5, 7)
Solution 4 - Php
function thefunction($number){
if ($number < 0)
return 0;
return $number;
that should do the trick
Solution 5 - Php
echo $var < 0 ? 0 : $var;