Convert a Git folder to a submodule retrospectively?

GitGit Submodules

Git Problem Overview

Quite often it is the case that you're writing a project of some kind, and after a while it becomes clear that some component of the project is actually useful as a standalone component (a library, perhaps). If you've had that idea from early on, then there's a fair chance that most of that code is in its own folder.

Is there a way to convert one of the sub directories in a Git project to a submodule?

Ideally this would happen such that all of the code in that directory is removed from the parent project, and the submodule project is added in its place, with all the appropriate history, and such that all the parent project commits point to the correct submodule commits.

Git Solutions

Solution 1 - Git

To isolate a subdirectory into its own repository, use filter-branch on a clone of the original repository:

git clone <your_project> <your_submodule>
cd <your_submodule>
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter 'path/to/your/submodule' --prune-empty -- --all

It's then nothing more than deleting your original directory and adding the submodule to your parent project.

Solution 2 - Git

First change dir to folder which will be a submodule. Then:

git init
git remote add origin <repourl>
git add .
git commit -am 'first commit in submodule'
git push -u origin master
cd ..
rm -rf <folder> # the folder which will be a submodule
git commit -am 'deleting folder'
git submodule add <repourl> <folder> # add the submodule
git commit -am 'adding submodule'

Solution 3 - Git

I know this is an old thread, but the answers here squash any related commits in other branches.

A simple way to clone and keep all those extra branches and commits:

1 - Make sure you have this git alias

git config --global alias.clone-branches '! git branch -a | sed -n "/\/HEAD /d; /\/master$/d; /remotes/p;" | xargs -L1 git checkout -t'

2 - Clone the remote, pull all branches, change the remote, filter your directory, push

git clone new-repo
cd new-repo
git clone-branches
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin
git remote -v
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter my_directory/ -- --all
git push --all
git push --tags

Solution 4 - Git

Status quo

Let's assume we have a repository called repo-old which contains a subdirectory sub that we would like to convert into a submodule with its own repo repo-sub.

It is further intended that the original repo repo-old should be converted into a modified repo repo-new where all commits touching the previously existing subdirectory sub shall now point to the corresponding commits of our extracted submodule repo repo-sub.

Let's change

It is possible to achieve this with the help of git filter-branch in a two step process:

  1. Subdirectory extraction from repo-old to repo-sub (already mentioned in the accepted answer)
  2. Subdirectory replacement from repo-old to repo-new (with proper commit mapping)

Remark: I know that this question is old and it has already been mentioned that git filter-branch is kind of deprecated and might be dangerous. But on the other hand it might help others with personal repositories that are easy to validate after conversion. So be warned! And please let me know if there is any other tool that does the same thing without being deprecated and is safe to use!

I'll explain how I realized both steps on linux with git version 2.26.2 below. Older versions might work to some extend but that needs to be tested.

For the sake of simplicity I will restrict myself to the case where there is just a master branch and a origin remote in the original repo repo-old. Also be warned that I rely on temporary git tags with the prefix temp_ which are going to be removed in the process. So if there are already tags named similarily you might want to adjust the prefix below. And finally please be aware that I have not extensively tested this and there might be corner cases where the recipe fails. So please backup everything before proceeding!

The following bash snippets can be concatenated into one big script which should then be executed in the same folder where the repo repo-org lives. It is not recommended to copy and paste everything directly into a command window (even though I have tested this successfully)!

0. Preparation

# Root directory where repo-org lives
# and a temporary location for git filter-branch

# The old repository and the subdirectory we'd like to extract

# The new submodule repository, its url
# and a hash map folder which will be populated
# and later used in the filter script below

# The new modified repository, its url
# and a filter script which is created as heredoc below
Filter script
# The index filter script which converts our subdirectory into a submodule
cat << EOF > "$repo_new_filter"

# Submodule hash map function
sub ()
    local old_commit=\$(git rev-list -1 \$1 -- '$repo_old_directory')

    if [ ! -z "\$old_commit" ]
        echo \$(cat "$repo_sub_hashmap/\$old_commit")

# Submodule config

# Submodule replacement
if [ ! -z "\$SUB_COMMIT" ]
    touch '.gitmodules'
    git config --file='.gitmodules' "submodule.\$SUB_DIR.path" "\$SUB_DIR"
    git config --file='.gitmodules' "submodule.\$SUB_DIR.url" "\$SUB_URL"
    git config --file='.gitmodules' "submodule.\$SUB_DIR.branch" 'master'
    git add '.gitmodules'

    git rm --cached -qrf "\$SUB_DIR"
    git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000 \$SUB_COMMIT "\$SUB_DIR"
chmod +x "$repo_new_filter"

1. Subdirectory extraction

cd "$root"

# Create a new clone for our new submodule repo
git clone "$repo_old" "$repo_sub"

# Enter the new submodule repo
cd "$repo_sub"

# Remove the old origin remote
git remote remove origin

# Loop over all commits and create temporary tags
for commit in $(git rev-list --all)
    git tag "temp_$commit" $commit

# Extract the subdirectory and slice commits
mkdir -p "$temp"
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter "$repo_old_directory" \
                  --tag-name-filter 'cat' \
                  --prune-empty --force -d "$temp" -- --all

# Populate hash map folder from our previously created tag names
mkdir -p "$repo_sub_hashmap"
for tag in $(git tag | grep "^temp_")
    sub_commit=$(git rev-list -1 $tag)

    echo $sub_commit > "$repo_sub_hashmap/$old_commit"
git tag | grep "^temp_" | xargs -d '\n' git tag -d 2>&1 > /dev/null

# Add the new url for this repository (and e.g. push)
git remote add origin "$repo_sub_url"
# git push -u origin master

2. Subdirectory replacement

cd "$root"

# Create a clone for our modified repo
git clone "$repo_old" "$repo_new"

# Enter the new modified repo
cd "$repo_new"

# Remove the old origin remote
git remote remove origin

# Replace the subdirectory and map all sliced submodule commits using
# the filter script from above
mkdir -p "$temp"
git filter-branch --index-filter "$repo_new_filter" \
                  --tag-name-filter 'cat' --force -d "$temp" -- --all

# Add the new url for this repository (and e.g. push)
git remote add origin "$repo_new_url"
# git push -u origin master

# Cleanup (commented for safety reasons)
# rm -rf "$repo_sub_hashmap"
# rm -f "$repo_new_filter"

Remark: If the newly created repo repo-new hangs during git submodule update --init then try to re-clone the repository recursively once instead:

cd "$root"

# Clone the new modified repo recursively
git clone --recursive "$repo_new" "$repo_new-tmp"

# Now use the newly cloned one
mv "$repo_new" "$repo_new-bak"
mv "$repo_new-tmp" "$repo_new"

# Cleanup (commented for safety reasons)
# rm -rf "$repo_new-bak"

Solution 5 - Git

It can be done, but it's not simple. If you search for git filter-branch, subdirectory and submodule, there are some decent write-ups on the process. It essentially entails creating two clones of your project, using git filter-branch to remove everything except the one subdirectory in one, and removing only that subdirectory in the other. Then you can establish the second repository as a submodule of the first.

Solution 6 - Git

This does the conversion in-place, you can back it out as you would any filter-branch (I use git fetch . +refs/original/*:*).

I have a project with a utils library that's started to be useful in other projects, and wanted to split its history off into a submodules. Didn't think to look on SO first so I wrote my own, it builds the history locally so it's a good bit faster, after which if you want you can set up the helper command's .gitmodules file and such, and push the submodule histories themselves anywhere you want.

The stripped command itself is here, the doc's in the comments, in the unstripped one that follows. Run it as its own command, with subdir set, like subdir=utils git split-submodule if you're splitting the utils directory. It's hacky because it's a one-off, but I tested it on the Documentation subdirectory in the Git history.

# put this or the commented version below in e.g. ~/bin/git-split-submodule
${GIT_COMMIT-exec git filter-branch --index-filter "subdir=$subdir; ${debug+debug=$debug;} $(sed 1,/SNIP/d "$0")" "$@"}
${debug+set -x}
fam=(`git rev-list --no-walk --parents $GIT_COMMIT`)
pathcheck=(`printf "%s:$subdir\\n" ${fam[@]} \
	| git cat-file --batch-check='%(objectname)' | uniq`)
[[ $pathcheck = *:* ]] || {
	subfam=($( set -- ${fam[@]}; shift;
		for par; do tpar=`map $par`; [[ $tpar != $par ]] &&
			git rev-parse -q --verify $tpar:"$subdir"
	git rm -rq --cached --ignore-unmatch  "$subdir"
	if (( ${#pathcheck[@]} == 1 && ${#fam[@]} > 1 && ${#subfam[@]} > 0)); then
		git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000,$subfam,"$subdir"
		subnew=`git cat-file -p $GIT_COMMIT | sed 1,/^$/d \
			| git commit-tree $GIT_COMMIT:"$subdir" $(
				${subfam:+printf ' -p %s' ${subfam[@]}}) 2>&-
			` &&
		git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000,$subnew,"$subdir"
${debug+set +x}

# Git filter-branch to split a subdirectory into a submodule history.

# In each commit, the subdirectory tree is replaced in the index with an
# appropriate submodule commit.
# * If the subdirectory tree has changed from any parent, or there are
#   no parents, a new submodule commit is made for the subdirectory (with
#   the current commit's message, which should presumably say something
#   about the change). The new submodule commit's parents are the
#   submodule commits in any rewrites of the current commit's parents.
# * Otherwise, the submodule commit is copied from a parent.

# Since the new history includes references to the new submodule
# history, the new submodule history isn't dangling, it's incorporated.
# Branches for any part of it can be made casually and pushed into any
# other repo as desired, so hooking up the `git submodule` helper
# command's conveniences is easy, e.g.
#     subdir=utils git split-submodule master
#     git branch utils $(git rev-parse master:utils)
#     git clone -sb utils . ../utilsrepo
# and you can then submodule add from there in other repos, but really,
# for small utility libraries and such, just fetching the submodule
# histories into your own repo is easiest. Setup on cloning a
# project using "incorporated" submodules like this is:
#	setup:	utils/.git
#	utils/.git:
#		@if _=`git rev-parse -q --verify utils`; then \
#			git config true \
#			&& git config submodule.utils.url "`pwd -P`" \
#			&& git clone -s . utils -nb utils \
#			&& git submodule absorbgitdirs utils \
#			&& git -C utils checkout $$(git rev-parse :utils); \
#		fi
# with `git config -f .gitmodules submodule.utils.path utils` and
# `git config -f .gitmodules submodule.utils.url ./`; cloners don't
# have to do anything but `make setup`, and `setup` should be a prereq
# on most things anyway.

# You can test that a commit and its rewrite put the same tree in the
# same place with this function:
# testit ()
# {
#     tree=($(git rev-parse `git rev-parse $1`: refs/original/refs/heads/$1));
#     echo $tree `test $tree != ${tree[1]} && echo ${tree[1]}`
# }
# so e.g. `testit make~95^2:t` will print the `t` tree there and if
# the `t` tree at ~95^2 from the original differs it'll print that too.

# To run it, say `subdir=path/to/it git split-submodule` with whatever
# filter-branch args you want.

# $GIT_COMMIT is set if we're already in filter-branch, if not, get there:
${GIT_COMMIT-exec git filter-branch --index-filter "subdir=$subdir; ${debug+debug=$debug;} $(sed 1,/SNIP/d "$0")" "$@"}

${debug+set -x}
fam=(`git rev-list --no-walk --parents $GIT_COMMIT`)
pathcheck=(`printf "%s:$subdir\\n" ${fam[@]} \
	| git cat-file --batch-check='%(objectname)' | uniq`)

[[ $pathcheck = *:* ]] || {
	subfam=($( set -- ${fam[@]}; shift;
		for par; do tpar=`map $par`; [[ $tpar != $par ]] &&
			git rev-parse -q --verify $tpar:"$subdir"

	git rm -rq --cached --ignore-unmatch  "$subdir"
	if (( ${#pathcheck[@]} == 1 && ${#fam[@]} > 1 && ${#subfam[@]} > 0)); then
		# one id same for all entries, copy mapped mom's submod commit
		git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000,$subfam,"$subdir"
		# no mapped parents or something changed somewhere, make new
		# submod commit for current subdir content.  The new submod
		# commit has all mapped parents' submodule commits as parents:
		subnew=`git cat-file -p $GIT_COMMIT | sed 1,/^$/d \
			| git commit-tree $GIT_COMMIT:"$subdir" $(
				${subfam:+printf ' -p %s' ${subfam[@]}}) 2>&-
			` &&
		git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000,$subnew,"$subdir"
${debug+set +x}

Solution 7 - Git

The current answer by @knittl using filter-branch gets us quite close to the desired effect, but when tried, Git threw a warning at me:

WARNING: git-filter-branch has a glut of gotchas generating mangled history
         rewrites.  Hit Ctrl-C before proceeding to abort, then use an
         alternative filtering tool such as 'git filter-repo'
         ( instead.  See the
         filter-branch manual page for more details; to squelch this warning,

Now 9 years after this question was first asked and answered, filter-branch is deprecated in favor of git filter-repo. Indeed, when I looked at my git history using git log --all --oneline --graph, it was full of irrelevant commits.

How to use git filter-repo then? Github has a pretty good article outlining that here. (Note that you will need to install it independently from git. I used the python version with pip3 install git-filter-repo)

In case they decide to move/delete the article, I will summarize and generalize their procedure below:

git clone <your_old_project_remote> <your_submodule>
cd <your_submodule>
git filter-repo --path path/to/your/submodule
git remote set-url origin <your_new_submodule_remote>
git push -u origin <branch_name>

From there, you just need to register the new repository as a submodule where you want it to be:

cd <path/to/your/parent/module>
git submodule add <your_new_submodule_remote>
git submodule update
git commit


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionnaught101View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - GitknittlView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - GitzednightView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - GitoodavidView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - GitP. B.View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - GittwalbergView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - GitjthillView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - GitLemmeTestThatView Answer on Stackoverflow