Check if element at position [x] exists in the list


C# Problem Overview

If I have a list of strings

List<String> list = new list<String>();

and I want to know if for example index position 2 contains an element, is there a simple way of doing this without counting the length of the list or using a try catch ?

As this will fail, I can get round it with a try catch, but this seems excessive

if(list.ElementAt(2) != null)
   // logic

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

if(list.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != null)
   // logic

ElementAtOrDefault() is part of the System.Linq namespace.

Although you have a List, so you can use list.Count > 2.

Solution 2 - C#

if (list.Count > desiredIndex && list[desiredIndex] != null)
    // logic

Solution 3 - C#

int? here = (list.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != 0 ? list[2]:(int?) null);

Solution 4 - C#

The issue the OP is trying to get at is that Count() will have to use the enumerator to MoveNext() through the whole IEnumerator collection. The benefit of IEnumerable is that we should be able to stop enumerating when we reach some predicate of known information.

The problem I pointed out with the other answers is that null is a valid value in any collection. So checking if GetElementAt...() is null isn't reliable.

I have a different implementation and requirement, but I changed it to add an answer for this specific question:

public bool TryElementAtOrDefault<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, int index, out T value)
    value = default;
    if (index < 0 || source == null || source.Any() == false) return false;

    if (source is IList<T> list && index < list.Count)
        value = list[index];
        return true;

    using (var e = source.GetEnumerator())
        while (e.MoveNext())
            if (index == 0)
                value = e.Current;
                return true;

    return false;


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionJGilmartinView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#Yuriy FaktorovichView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#Anthony PegramView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#InGeekView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - C#SuamereView Answer on Stackoverflow