Canvas drawImage scaling

JavascriptCanvasHtml5 CanvasResizeDrawimage

Javascript Problem Overview

I'm trying to scale an image proportionately to the canvas. I'm able to scale it with fixed width and height as so:

context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, 100, 100)

But I only want to resize the width and have the height resize proportionately. Something like the following:

context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, 100, auto)

I've looked everywhere I can think of and haven't seen if this is possible.

Javascript Solutions

Solution 1 - Javascript

context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, 100, 100 * imageObj.height / imageObj.width)

Solution 2 - Javascript

@TechMaze's solution is quite good.

Here is the code after some corrections and the introduction of the image.onload event. image.onload is essential in order to avoid any kind of distortion.

function draw_canvas_image() {

  var canvas = document.getElementById("image-holder-canvas");
  var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
  var imageObj = document.getElementById("myImageToDisplayOnCanvas");

  imageObj.onload = function() {
    var imgWidth = imageObj.naturalWidth;
    var screenWidth  = canvas.width;
    var scaleX = 1;
    if (imgWidth > screenWidth)
        scaleX = screenWidth/imgWidth;
    var imgHeight = imageObj.naturalHeight;
    var screenHeight = canvas.height;
    var scaleY = 1;
    if (imgHeight > screenHeight)
        scaleY = screenHeight/imgHeight;
    var scale = scaleY;
    if(scaleX < scaleY)
        scale = scaleX;
    if(scale < 1){
        imgHeight = imgHeight*scale;
        imgWidth = imgWidth*scale;          

    canvas.height = imgHeight;
    canvas.width = imgWidth;

    context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, imageObj.naturalWidth, imageObj.naturalHeight, 0,0, imgWidth, imgHeight);

Solution 3 - Javascript

And if you want to properly scale the picture as per the screen size, here is the code you can use:

var imgWidth = imageObj.naturalWidth;
var screenWidth  = $(window).width() - 20; 
var scaleX = 1;
if (imageWdith > screenWdith)
  scaleX = screenWidth/imgWidth;
var imgHeight = imageObj.naturalHeight;
var screenHeight = $(window).height() - canvas.offsetTop-10;
var scaleY = 1;
if (imgHeight > screenHeight)
  scaleY = screenHeight/imgHeight;
var scale = scaleY;
if(scaleX < scaleY)
  scale = scaleX;
if(scale < 1){
  imgHeight = imgHeight*scale;
  imgWidth = imgWidth*scale;      
canvas.height = imgHeight;
canvas.width = imgWidth;
ctx.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, imageObj.naturalWidth, imageObj.naturalHeight, 0,0, imgWidth, imgHeight);

If you are not using jQuery, replace $(window).width with the appropriate equivalent option.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionselanac82View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavascriptGauravView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavascriptMashhoodView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavascriptTechMazeView Answer on Stackoverflow