AWS Elastic Beanstalk, running a cronjob

Amazon Web-ServicesCronCrontabAmazon Elastic-Beanstalk

Amazon Web-Services Problem Overview

I would like to know if there is a way to setup a cronjob/task to execute every minute. Currently any of my instances should be able to run this task.

This is what I have tried to do in the config files without success:

    command: echo "*/1 * * * * root php /etc/httpd/myscript.php"

I'm not really sure if this is the correct way to do it

Any ideas?

Amazon Web-Services Solutions

Solution 1 - Amazon Web-Services

This is how I added a cron job to Elastic Beanstalk:

Create a folder at the root of your application called .ebextensions if it doesn't exist already. Then create a config file inside the .ebextensions folder. I'll use example.config for illustration purposes. Then add this to example.config

    command: "cat .ebextensions/some_cron_job.txt > /etc/cron.d/some_cron_job && chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/some_cron_job"
    leader_only: true

This is a YAML configuration file for Elastic Beanstalk. Make sure when you copy this into your text editor that your text editor uses spaces instead of tabs. Otherwise you'll get a YAML error when you push this to EB.

So what this does is create a command called 01_some_cron_job. Commands are run in alphabetical order so the 01 makes sure it's run as the first command.

The command then takes the contents of a file called some_cron_job.txt and adds it to a file called some_cron_job in /etc/cron.d.

The command then changes the permissions on the /etc/cron.d/some_cron_job file.

The leader_only key ensures the command is only run on the ec2 instance that is considered the leader. Rather than running on every ec2 instance you may have running.

Then create a file called some_cron_job.txt inside the .ebextensions folder. You will place your cron jobs in this file.

So for example:

# The newline at the end of this file is extremely important.  Cron won't run without it.
* * * * * root /usr/bin/php some-php-script-here > /dev/null

So this cron job will run every minute of every hour of every day as the root user and discard the output to /dev/null. /usr/bin/php is the path to php. Then replace some-php-script-here with the path to your php file. This is obviously assuming your cron job needs to run a PHP file.

Also, make sure the some_cron_job.txt file has a newline at the end of the file just like the comment says. Otherwise cron won't run.

Update: There is an issue with this solution when Elastic Beanstalk scales up your instances. For example, lets say you have one instance with the cron job running. You get an increase in traffic so Elastic Beanstalk scales you up to two instances. The leader_only will ensure you only have one cron job running between the two instances. Your traffic decreases and Elastic Beanstalk scales you down to one instance. But instead of terminating the second instance, Elastic Beanstalk terminates the first instance that was the leader. You now don't have any cron jobs running since they were only running on the first instance that was terminated. See the comments below.

Update 2: Just making this clear from the comments below: AWS has now protection against automatic instance termination. Just enable it on your leader instance and you're good to go. – Nicolás Arévalo Oct 28 '16 at 9:23

Solution 2 - Amazon Web-Services

This is the official way to do it now (2015+). Please try this first, it's by far easiest method currently available and most reliable as well.

According to current docs, one is able to run periodic tasks on their so-called worker tier.

Citing the documentation:

> AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports periodic tasks for worker environment tiers in environments running a predefined configuration with a solution stack that contains "v1.2.0" in the container name. You must create a new environment.

Also interesting is the part about cron.yaml:

> To invoke periodic tasks, your application source bundle must include a cron.yaml file at the root level. The file must contain information about the periodic tasks you want to schedule. Specify this information using standard crontab syntax.

Update: We were able to get this work. Here are some important gotchas from our experience (Node.js platform):

  • When using cron.yaml file, make sure you have latest awsebcli, because older versions will not work properly.

  • It is also vital to create new environment (at least in our case it was), not just clone old one.

  • If you want to make sure CRON is supported on your EC2 Worker Tier instance, ssh into it (eb ssh), and run cat /var/log/aws-sqsd/default.log. It should report as aws-sqsd 2.0 (2015-02-18). If you don't have 2.0 version, something gone wrong when creating your environment and you need to create new one as stated above.

Solution 3 - Amazon Web-Services

Regarding jamieb's response, and as alrdinleal mentions, you can use the 'leader_only' property to ensure that only one EC2 instance runs the cron job.

Quote taken from

> you can use leader_only. One instance is chosen to be the leader in an Auto Scaling group. If the leader_only value is set to true, the command runs only on the instance that is marked as the leader.

Im trying to achieve a similar thing on my eb, so will update my post if I solve it.


Ok, I now have working cronjobs using the following eb config:

  "/tmp/cronjob" :
    mode: "000777"
    owner: ec2-user
    group: ec2-user
    content: |
      # clear expired baskets
      */10 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -o /dev/null > $HOME/basket_purge.log 2>&1
      # clean up files created by above cronjob
      30 23 * * * rm $HOME/purge*
    encoding: plain 
    command: crontab /tmp/cronjob
    leader_only: true
    command: rm /tmp/cronjob

Essentially, I create a temp file with the cronjobs and then set the crontab to read from the temp file, then delete the temp file afterwards. Hope this helps.

Solution 4 - Amazon Web-Services

I spoke to an AWS support agent and this is how we got this to work for me. 2015 solution:

Create a file in your .ebextensions directory with your_file_name.config. In the config file input:

mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
* * * * * root /usr/local/bin/

"/usr/local/bin/": mode: "000755" owner: root group: root content: | #!/bin/bash

  /usr/local/bin/ || exit
  echo "Cron running at " `date` >> /tmp/cron_example.log
  # Now do tasks that should only run on 1 instance ...

"/usr/local/bin/": mode: "000755" owner: root group: root content: | #!/bin/bash

  INSTANCE_ID=`$METADATA -i | awk '{print $2}'`
  REGION=`$METADATA -z | awk '{print substr($2, 0, length($2)-1)}'`
  # Find our Auto Scaling Group name.
  ASG=`aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" \
  	--region $REGION --output text | awk '/aws:autoscaling:groupName/ {print $5}'`
  # Find the first instance in the Group
  FIRST=`aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --auto-scaling-group-names $ASG \
  	--region $REGION --output text | awk '/InService$/ {print $4}' | sort | head -1`
  # Test if they're the same.
  [ "$FIRST" = "$INSTANCE_ID" ]

commands: rm_old_cron: command: "rm *.bak" cwd: "/etc/cron.d" ignoreErrors: true

This solution has 2 drawbacks:

  1. On subsequent deployments, Beanstalk renames the existing cron script as .bak, but cron will still run it. Your Cron now executes twice on the same machine.
  2. If your environment scales up, you get several instances, all running your cron script. This means your mail shots are repeated, or your database archives duplicated


  1. Ensure any .ebextensions script which creates a cron also removes the .bak files on subsequent deployments.
  2. Have a helper script which does the following: -- Gets the current Instance ID from the Metadata -- Gets the current Auto Scaling Group name from the EC2 Tags -- Gets the list of EC2 Instances in that Group, sorted alphabetically. -- Takes the first instance from that list. -- Compares the Instance ID from step 1 with the first Instance ID from step 4. Your cron scripts can then use this helper script to determine if they should execute.


  • The IAM Role used for the Beanstalk instances needs ec2:DescribeTags and autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups permissions
  • The instances chosen from are those shown as InService by Auto Scaling. This does not necessarily mean they are fully booted up and ready to run your cron.

You would not have to set the IAM Roles if you are using the default beanstalk role.

Solution 5 - Amazon Web-Services

As mentioned above, the fundamental flaw with establishing any crontab configuration is that it only happens at deployment. As the cluster gets auto-scaled up, and then back down, it is favored to also be the first server turned off. In addition there would be no fail-over, which for me was critical.

I did some research, then talked with our AWS account specialist to bounce ideas and valid the solution I came up with. You can accomplish this with OpsWorks, although it's bit like using a house to kill a fly. It is also possible to use Data Pipeline with Task Runner, but this has limited ability in the scripts that it can execute, and I needed to be able to run PHP scripts, with access to the whole code base. You could also dedicate an EC2 instance outside of the ElasticBeanstalk cluster, but then you have no fail-over again.

So here is what I came up with, which apparently is unconventional (as the AWS rep commented) and may be considered a hack, but it works and is solid with fail-over. I chose a coding solution using the SDK, which I'll show in PHP, although you could do the same method in any language you prefer.

// contains the values for variables used (key, secret, env)
// Load the AWS PHP SDK to connection to ElasticBeanstalk
use Aws\ElasticBeanstalk\ElasticBeanstalkClient;
$client = ElasticBeanstalkClient::factory(array(
	'key' => AWS_KEY,
	'secret' => AWS_SECRET,
 	'profile' => 'your_profile',
	'region'  => 'us-east-1'
$result = $client->describeEnvironmentResources(array(
	'EnvironmentName' => AWS_ENV
if (php_uname('n') != $result['EnvironmentResources']['Instances'][0]['Id']) {
	die("Not the primary EC2 instance\n");

So walking through this and how it operates... You call scripts from crontab as you normally would on every EC2 instance. Each script includes this at the beginning (or includes a single file for each, as I use it), which establishes an ElasticBeanstalk object and retrieves a list of all instances. It uses only the first server in the list, and checks if it matches itself, which if it does it continues, otherwise it dies and closes out. I've checked and the list returned seems to be consistent, which technically it only needs to be consistent for a minute or so, as each instance executes the scheduled cron. If it does change, it wouldn't matter, since again it only is relevant for that small window.

This isn't elegant by any means, but suited our specific needs - which was not to increase cost with an additional service or have to have a dedicated EC2 instance, and would have fail-over in case of any failure. Our cron scripts run maintenance scripts which get placed into SQS and each server in the cluster helps execute. At least this may give you an alternate option if it fits your needs.


Solution 6 - Amazon Web-Services

If you're using Rails, you can use the whenever-elasticbeanstalk gem. It allows you to run cron jobs on either all instances or just one. It checks every minute to ensure that there is only one "leader" instance, and will automatically promote one server to "leader" if there are none. This is needed since Elastic Beanstalk only has the concept of leader during deployment and may shut down any instance at any time while scaling.

UPDATE I switched to using AWS OpsWorks and am no longer maintaining this gem. If you need more functionality than is available in the basics of Elastic Beanstalk, I highly recommend switching to OpsWorks.

Solution 7 - Amazon Web-Services

You really don't want to be running cron jobs on Elastic Beanstalk. Since you'll have multiple application instances, this can cause race conditions and other odd problems. I actually recently blogged about this (4th or 5th tip down the page). The short version: Depending on the application, use a job queue like SQS or a third-party solution like

Solution 8 - Amazon Web-Services

2017: If you are using Laravel5+

You just need 2 minutes to configure it:

  • create a Worker Tier

  • install laravel-aws-worker

    composer require dusterio/laravel-aws-worker

  • add a cron.yaml to the root folder:

> Add cron.yaml to the root folder of your application (this can be a > part of your repo or you could add this file right before deploying to > EB - the important thing is that this file is present at the time of > deployment):

version: 1
 - name: "schedule"
   url: "/worker/schedule"
   schedule: "* * * * *"

That's it!

All your task in App\Console\Kernel will now be executed

Detailed instructions and explainations:

How to write tasks inside of Laravel:

Solution 9 - Amazon Web-Services

A more readable solution using files instead of container_commands:

mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
# override default email address
MAILTO="[email protected]"
# run a Symfony command every five minutes (as ec2-user)
*/10 * * * * ec2-user /usr/bin/php /var/app/current/app/console do:something
encoding: plain

delete backup file created by Elastic Beanstalk

clear_cron_backup: command: rm -f /etc/cron.d/watson.bak

Note the format differs from the usual crontab format in that it specifies the user to run the command as.

Solution 10 - Amazon Web-Services

My 1 cent of contribution for 2018

Here is the right way to do it (using django/python and django_crontab app):

inside .ebextensions folder create a file like this 98_cron.config:

    mode: "000755"
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
      cd /
      sudo /opt/python/run/venv/bin/python /opt/python/current/app/ crontab remove > /home/ec2-user/remove11.txt
      sudo /opt/python/run/venv/bin/python /opt/python/current/app/ crontab add > /home/ec2-user/add11.txt 

        command: "mv /tmp/ /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post && chmod 774 /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/"
        leader_only: true

It needs to be container_commands instead of commands

Solution 11 - Amazon Web-Services

Someone was wondering about the leader_only auto scaling problems when new leaders arise. I can't seem to figure out how to reply to their comments, but see this link:

Solution 12 - Amazon Web-Services

So we've been struggling with this for a while and after some discussion with an AWS rep I've finally come up with what I think is the best solution.

Using a worker tier with cron.yaml is definitely the easiest fix. However, what the documentation doesn't make clear is that this will put the job at the end of the SQS queue you're using to actually run your jobs. If your cron jobs are time sensitive (as many are), this isn't acceptable, since it would depend on the size of the queue. One option is to use a completely separate environment just to run cron jobs, but I think that's overkill.

Some of the other options, like checking to see if you're the first instance in the list, aren't ideal either. What if the current first instance is in the process of shutting down?

Instance protection can also come with issues - what if that instance gets locked up / frozen?

What's important to understand is how AWS itself manages the cron.yaml functionality. There is an SQS daemon which uses a Dynamo table to handle "leader election". It writes to this table frequently, and if the current leader hasn't written in a short while, the next instance will take over as leader. This is how the daemon decides which instance to fire the job into the SQS queue.

We can repurpose the existing functionality rather than trying to rewrite our own. You can see the full solution here:

That's in Ruby, but you can easily adapt it to any other language that has the AWS SDK. Essentially, it checks the current leader, then checks the state to make sure it's in a good state. It'll loop until there is a current leader in a good state, and if the current instance is the leader, execute the job.

Solution 13 - Amazon Web-Services

The latest example from Amazon is the easiest and most efficient (periodic tasks):

where you create a separate worker tier to execute any of your cron jobs. Create the cron.yaml file and place it in your root folder. One issue I had (after cron did not seem to be executing) was finding that my CodePipeline did not have authority to perform a dynamodb modification. Based on that after adding FullDynamoDB access under IAM -> roles -> yourpipeline and redeploying (elastic beanstalk) it worked perfectly.

Solution 14 - Amazon Web-Services

Solution 15 - Amazon Web-Services

> To control whether Auto Scaling can terminate a particular instance when scaling in, use instance protection. You can enable the instance protection setting on an Auto Scaling group or an individual Auto Scaling instance. When Auto Scaling launches an instance, the instance inherits the instance protection setting of the Auto Scaling group. You can change the instance protection setting for an Auto Scaling group or an Auto Scaling instance at any time.

Solution 16 - Amazon Web-Services

I had another solution to this if a php file needs to be run through cron and if you had set any NAT instances then you can put cronjob on NAT instance and run php file through wget.

Solution 17 - Amazon Web-Services

here is a fix incase you want to do this in PHP. You just need cronjob.config in your .ebextensions folder to get it to work like this.

    mode: "000644"
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
        empty stuff
    encoding: plain
    command: "rm -f /etc/cron.d/*.bak"
    command: "sudo sed -i 's/empty stuff//g' /etc/cron.d/my_cron"
    command: "echo '* * * * * ec2-user . /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars && /usr/bin/php /var/app/current/index.php cron sendemail > /tmp/sendemail.log 2>&1' > /etc/cron.d/my_cron"
    leader_only: true

the envvars gets the environment variables for the files. You can debug the output on the tmp/sendemail.log as above.

Hope this helps someone as it surely helped us!

Solution 18 - Amazon Web-Services

Based on the principles of the answer from user1599237, where you let the cron jobs run on all instances but then instead in the beginning of the jobs determine if they should be allowed to run, I have made another solution.

Instead of looking at the running instances (and having to store your AWS key and secret) I'm using the MySQL database that I'm already connecting to from all instances.

It has no downsides, only positives:

  • no extra instance or expenses
  • rock solid solution - no chance of double execution
  • scalable - automatically works as your instances are scaled up and down
  • failover - automatically works in case an instance has a failure

Alternatively, you could also use a commonly shared filesystem (like AWS EFS via the NFS protocol) instead of a database.

The following solution is created within the PHP framework Yii but you can easily adapt it for another framework and language. Also the exception handler Yii::$app->system is a module of my own. Replace it with whatever you are using.

 * Obtain an exclusive lock to ensure only one instance or worker executes a job
 * Examples:
 * `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 empty-trash php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash`
 * `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 empty-trash php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash StdOUT./test.log`
 * `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 "empty trash" php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash StdOUT./test.log StdERR.ditto`
 * `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 "empty trash" php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash StdOUT./output.log StdERR./error.log`
 * Arguments are understood as follows:
 * - First: Duration of the lock in minutes
 * - Second: Job name (surround with quotes if it contains spaces)
 * - The rest: Command to execute. Instead of writing `>` and `2>` for redirecting output you need to write `StdOUT` and `StdERR` respectively. To redirect stderr to stdout write `StdERR.ditto`.
 * Command will be executed in the background. If determined that it should not be executed the script will terminate silently.
public function actionLock() {
	$argsAll = $args = func_get_args();
	if (!is_numeric($args[0])) {
		\Yii::$app->system->error('Duration for obtaining process lock is not numeric.', ['Args' => $argsAll]);
	if (!$args[1]) {
		\Yii::$app->system->error('Job name for obtaining process lock is missing.', ['Args' => $argsAll]);

	$durationMins = $args[0];
	$jobName = $args[1];
	$instanceID = null;
	unset($args[0], $args[1]);

	$command = trim(implode(' ', $args));
	if (!$command) {
		\Yii::$app->system->error('Command to execute after obtaining process lock is missing.', ['Args' => $argsAll]);

	// If using AWS Elastic Beanstalk retrieve the instance ID
	if (file_exists('/etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-system-initialized')) {
		if ($awsEb = file_get_contents('/etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-system-initialized')) {
			$awsEb = json_decode($awsEb);
			if (is_object($awsEb) && $awsEb->instance_id) {
				$instanceID = $awsEb->instance_id;

	// Obtain lock
	$updateColumns = false;  //do nothing if record already exists
	$affectedRows = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->upsert('system_job_locks', [
		'job_name' => $jobName,
		'locked' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
		'duration' => $durationMins,
		'source' => $instanceID,
	], $updateColumns)->execute();
	// The SQL generated: INSERT INTO system_job_locks (job_name, locked, duration, source) VALUES ('some-name', '2019-04-22 17:24:39', 60, 'i-HmkDAZ9S5G5G') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE job_name = job_name

	if ($affectedRows == 0) {
		// record already exists, check if lock has expired
		$affectedRows = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('system_job_locks', [
				'locked' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
				'duration' => $durationMins,
				'source' => $instanceID,
			'job_name = :jobName AND DATE_ADD(locked, INTERVAL duration MINUTE) < NOW()', ['jobName' => $jobName]
		// The SQL generated: UPDATE system_job_locks SET locked = '2019-04-22 17:24:39', duration = 60, source = 'i-HmkDAZ9S5G5G' WHERE job_name = 'clean-trash' AND DATE_ADD(locked, INTERVAL duration MINUTE) < NOW()

		if ($affectedRows == 0) {
			// We could not obtain a lock (since another process already has it) so do not execute the command

	// Handle redirection of stdout and stderr
	$command = str_replace('StdOUT', '>', $command);
	$command = str_replace('StdERR.ditto', '2>&1', $command);
	$command = str_replace('StdERR', '2>', $command);

	// Execute the command as a background process so we can exit the current process
	$command .= ' &';

	$output = []; $exitcode = null;
	exec($command, $output, $exitcode);

This is the database schema I'm using:

CREATE TABLE `system_job_locks` (
	`job_name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (`job_name`)


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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