A script to change all tables and fields to the utf-8-bin collation in MYSQL

PhpSqlMysqlUtf 8Collation

Php Problem Overview

Is there a SQL or PHP script that I can run that will change the default collation in all tables and fields in a database?

I can write one myself, but I think that this should be something that readily available at a site like this. If I can come up with one myself before somebody posts one, I will post it myself.

Php Solutions

Solution 1 - Php

Can be done in a single command (rather than 148 of PHP):

mysql --database=dbname -B -N -e "SHOW TABLES" \
| awk '{print "SET foreign_key_checks = 0; ALTER TABLE", $1, "CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; SET foreign_key_checks = 1; "}' \
| mysql --database=dbname &

You've got to love the commandline... (You might need to employ the --user and --password options for mysql).

EDIT: to avoid foreign key problems, added SET foreign_key_checks = 0; and SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

Solution 2 - Php

I think it's easy to do this in two steps runin PhpMyAdmin.
Step 1:

 '` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;') as stmt 
FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` t
AND t.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'database_name'

Step 2:
This query will output a list of queries, one for each table. You have to copy the list of queries, and paste them to the command line or to PhpMyAdmin's SQL tab for the changes to be made.

Solution 3 - Php

OK, I wrote this up taking into account what was said in this thread. Thanks for the help, and I hope this script will help out others. I don't have any warranty for its use, so PLEASE BACKUP before running it. It should work with all databases; and it worked great on my own.

EDIT: Added vars at the top for which charset/collate to convert to. EDIT2: Changes the database's and tables' default charset/collate


function MysqlError()
	if (mysql_errno())
		echo "<b>Mysql Error: " . mysql_error() . "</b>\n";

$username = "root";
$password = "";
$db = "database";
$host = "localhost";

$target_charset = "utf8";
$target_collate = "utf8_general_ci";

echo "<pre>";

$conn = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);
mysql_select_db($db, $conn);

$tabs = array();
$res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");
while (($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) != null)
	$tabs[] = $row[0];

// now, fix tables
foreach ($tabs as $tab)
	$res = mysql_query("show index from {$tab}");
	$indicies = array();
	while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) != null)
		if ($row[2] != "PRIMARY")
			$indicies[] = array("name" => $row[2], "unique" => !($row[1] == "1"), "col" => $row[4]);
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} DROP INDEX {$row[2]}");
			echo "Dropped index {$row[2]}. Unique: {$row[1]}\n";

	$res = mysql_query("DESCRIBE {$tab}");
	while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) != null)
		$name = $row[0];
		$type = $row[1];
		$set = false;
		if (preg_match("/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/i", $type, $mat))
			$size = $mat[1];
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} VARBINARY({$size})");
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} VARCHAR({$size}) CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
			$set = true;
			echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
		else if (!strcasecmp($type, "CHAR"))
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} BINARY(1)");
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
			$set = true;
			echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
		else if (!strcasecmp($type, "TINYTEXT"))
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} TINYBLOB");
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
			$set = true;
			echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
		else if (!strcasecmp($type, "MEDIUMTEXT"))
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} MEDIUMBLOB");
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
			$set = true;
			echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
		else if (!strcasecmp($type, "LONGTEXT"))
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} LONGBLOB");
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
			$set = true;
			echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
		else if (!strcasecmp($type, "TEXT"))
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} BLOB");
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} TEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
			$set = true;
			echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
		if ($set)
			mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} COLLATE {$target_collate}");
	// re-build indicies..
	foreach ($indicies as $index)
		if ($index["unique"])
			mysql_query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$index["name"]} ON {$tab} ({$index["col"]})");
			mysql_query("CREATE INDEX {$index["name"]} ON {$tab} ({$index["col"]})");
		echo "Created index {$index["name"]} on {$tab}. Unique: {$index["unique"]}\n";
	// set default collate
	mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab}  DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}");

// set database charset
mysql_query("ALTER DATABASE {$db} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}");

echo "</pre>";


Solution 4 - Php

Be careful! If you actually have utf stored as another encoding, you could have a real mess on your hands. Back up first. Then try some of the standard methods:

for instance http://www.cesspit.net/drupal/node/898 http://www.hackszine.com/blog/archive/2007/05/mysql_database_migration_latin.html

I've had to resort to converting all text fields to binary, then back to varchar/text. This has saved my ass.

I had data is UTF8, stored as latin1. What I did:

Drop indexes. Convert fields to binary. Convert to utf8-general ci

If your on LAMP, don’t forget to add set NAMES command before interacting with the db, and make sure you set character encoding headers.

Solution 5 - Php

This PHP snippet will change the collation on all tables in a db. (It's taken from http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=682119">this site.)

// your connection

// convert code
$res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
    foreach ($row as $key => $table)
        mysql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $table . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci");
        echo $key . " =&gt; " . $table . " CONVERTED<br />";

Solution 6 - Php

Another approach using command line, based on @david's without the awk

for t in $(mysql --user=root --password=admin  --database=DBNAME -e "show tables";);do echo "Altering" $t;mysql --user=root --password=admin --database=DBNAME -e "ALTER TABLE $t CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;";done


  for t in $(mysql --user=root --password=admin  --database=DBNAME -e "show tables";);
       echo "Altering" $t;
       mysql --user=root --password=admin --database=DBNAME -e "ALTER TABLE $t CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;";

Solution 7 - Php

A more complete version of the script above can be found here:


Please leave any feedback about this contribution here:http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1034214

Solution 8 - Php

Charset and collation are not the same thing. A collation is a set of rules about how to sort strings. A charset is a set of rules about how to represent characters. A collation depends on the charset.

Solution 9 - Php

In scripts above all tables selected for convertation (with SHOW TABLES), but a more convenient and portable way to check the table collation before converting a table. This query does it:

SELECT table_name
     , table_collation 
FROM information_schema.tables

Solution 10 - Php

Use my custom shell https://github.com/abdennour/miscs.sh/blob/master/collatedb">collatedb</a>;, it should work :

collatedb <username> <password> <database> <collation>

Example :

collatedb root 0000 myDatabase utf8_bin

Solution 11 - Php

Thanks @nlaq for the code, that got me started on the below solution.

I released a WordPress plugin without realising that WordPress doesn't set the collate automatically. So a lot of people using the plugin ended up with latin1_swedish_ci when it should have been utf8_general_ci.

Here's the code I added to the plugin to detect the latin1_swedish_ci collate and change it to utf8_general_ci.

Test this code before using it in your own plugin!

// list the names of your wordpress plugin database tables (without db prefix)
$tables_to_check = array(
// choose the collate to search for and replace:
$convert_fields_collate_from = 'latin1_swedish_ci';
$convert_fields_collate_to = 'utf8_general_ci';
$convert_tables_character_set_to = 'utf8';
$show_debug_messages = false;
global $wpdb;
foreach($tables_to_check as $table) {
	$table = $wpdb->prefix . $table;
	$indicies = $wpdb->get_results(  "SHOW INDEX FROM `$table`", ARRAY_A );
	$results = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `$table`" , ARRAY_A );
	foreach($results as $result){
		if($show_debug_messages)echo "Checking field ".$result['Field'] ." with collat: ".$result['Collation']."\n";
		if(isset($result['Field']) && $result['Field'] && isset($result['Collation']) && $result['Collation'] == $convert_fields_collate_from){
			if($show_debug_messages)echo "Table: $table - Converting field " .$result['Field'] ." - " .$result['Type']." - from $convert_fields_collate_from to $convert_fields_collate_to \n";
			// found a field to convert. check if there's an index on this field.
			// we have to remove index before converting field to binary.
			$is_there_an_index = false;
			foreach($indicies as $index){
				if ( isset($index['Column_name']) && $index['Column_name'] == $result['Field']){
					// there's an index on this column! store it for adding later on.
					$is_there_an_index = $index;
					$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP INDEX %s", $table, $index['Key_name']) );
					if($show_debug_messages)echo "Dropped index ".$index['Key_name']." before converting field.. \n";
			$set = false;

			if ( preg_match( "/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/i", $result['Type'], $mat ) ) {
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` VARBINARY({$mat[1]})" );
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` VARCHAR({$mat[1]}) CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
				$set = true;
			} else if ( !strcasecmp( $result['Type'], "CHAR" ) ) {
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` BINARY(1)" );
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
				$set = true;
			} else if ( !strcasecmp( $result['Type'], "TINYTEXT" ) ) {
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` TINYBLOB" );
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
				$set = true;
			} else if ( !strcasecmp( $result['Type'], "MEDIUMTEXT" ) ) {
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` MEDIUMBLOB" );
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
				$set = true;
			} else if ( !strcasecmp( $result['Type'], "LONGTEXT" ) ) {
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` LONGBLOB" );
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
				$set = true;
			} else if ( !strcasecmp( $result['Type'], "TEXT" ) ) {
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` BLOB" );
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY `{$result['Field']}` TEXT CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
				$set = true;
				if($show_debug_messages)echo "Failed to change field - unsupported type: ".$result['Type']."\n";
				if($show_debug_messages)echo "Altered field success! \n";
				$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `$table` MODIFY {$result['Field']} COLLATE $convert_fields_collate_to" );
			if($is_there_an_index !== false){
				// add the index back.
				if ( !$is_there_an_index["Non_unique"] ) {
					$wpdb->query( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `{$is_there_an_index['Key_name']}` ON `{$table}` ({$is_there_an_index['Column_name']})", $is_there_an_index['Key_name'], $table, $is_there_an_index['Column_name'] );
				} else {
					$wpdb->query( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `{$is_there_an_index['Key_name']}` ON `{$table}` ({$is_there_an_index['Column_name']})", $is_there_an_index['Key_name'], $table, $is_there_an_index['Column_name'] );
	// set default collate
	$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$convert_tables_character_set_to} COLLATE {$convert_fields_collate_to}" );
	if($show_debug_messages)echo "Finished with table $table \n";

Solution 12 - Php

A simple (dumb? :) solution, using multi-select feature of Your IDE:

  1. run "SHOW TABLES;" query and copy results column (table names).
  2. multi-select beginnings and add "ALTER TABLE ".
  3. multi-select endings and add " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"
  4. run created queries.

Solution 13 - Php

I think the fastest way is with phpmyadmin and some jQuery on console.

Go to table's structure and open chrome/firefox developer console (normally F12 on keyboard):

  1. run this code to select all fields with incorrect charset and start modify:

     var elems = $('dfn'); var lastID = elems.length - 1;
     elems.each(function(i) {
    		if ($(this).html() != 'utf8_general_ci') { 
            $('input:checkbox', $('td', $(this).parent().parent()).first()).attr('checked','checked');
         if (i == lastID) {
  2. when page is loaded use this code on console to select correct encoding:

     $("select[name*='field_collation']" ).val('utf8_general_ci');
  3. save

  4. change the table's charset on "Collation" field on "Operation" tab

Tested on phpmyadmin 4.0 and 4.4, but I think work on all 4.x versions

Solution 14 - Php

Here's an easy way to do this with just phpmyadmin if you don't have command line access or access to edit INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

First, listen to the advice of many of the other answers here - you can really screw things up here, so make a backup. Now make a backup of your backup. Also this is unlikely to work if your data is encoded differently than what you are changing it to.

Note that you will need to find the exact names of the offending schema and character encoding that you need to change from before starting.

  1. Export the database as SQL; Make a copy; Open it in a text editor of your choice
  2. Find and Replace the schema first, for example - find: latin1_swedish_ci, replace: utf8_general_ci
  3. Find and Replace the character encodings if you need to, for example - find: latin1, replace: utf8
  4. Create a new test database and upload your new SQL file into phpmyadmin

This is a super easy way to do it, but again, this will not change the encoding of your data, so it will only work in certain circumstances.

Solution 15 - Php

I updated nlaq's answer to work with PHP7 and to correctly handle multicolumn indices, binary collated data (e.g. latin1_bin), etc., and cleaned up the code a bit. This is the only code I found/tried that successfully migrated my database from latin1 to utf8.


/////////// BEGIN CONFIG ////////////////////

$username = "";
$password = "";
$db = "";
$host = "";

$target_charset = "utf8";
$target_collation = "utf8_unicode_ci";
$target_bin_collation = "utf8_bin";

///////////  END CONFIG  ////////////////////

function MySQLSafeQuery($conn, $query) {
    $res = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
    if (mysqli_errno($conn)) {
        echo "<b>Mysql Error: " . mysqli_error($conn) . "</b>\n";
        echo "<span>This query caused the above error: <i>" . $query . "</i></span>\n";
    return $res;

function binary_typename($type) {
    $mysql_type_to_binary_type_map = array(
        "VARCHAR" => "VARBINARY",
        "CHAR" => "BINARY(1)",
        "TINYTEXT" => "TINYBLOB",
        "LONGTEXT" => "LONGBLOB",
        "TEXT" => "BLOB"

    $typename = "";
    if (preg_match("/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/i", $type, $mat))
        $typename = $mysql_type_to_binary_type_map["VARCHAR"] . "(" . (2*$mat[1]) . ")";
    else if (!strcasecmp($type, "CHAR"))
        $typename = $mysql_type_to_binary_type_map["CHAR"] . "(1)";
    else if (array_key_exists(strtoupper($type), $mysql_type_to_binary_type_map))
        $typename = $mysql_type_to_binary_type_map[strtoupper($type)];
    return $typename;

echo "<pre>";

// Connect to database
$conn = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password);
mysqli_select_db($conn, $db);

// Get list of tables
$tabs = array();
$query = "SHOW TABLES";
$res = MySQLSafeQuery($conn, $query);
while (($row = mysqli_fetch_row($res)) != null)
    $tabs[] = $row[0];

// Now fix tables
foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
    $res = MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "SHOW INDEX FROM `{$tab}`");
    $indicies = array();

    while (($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) != null) {
        if ($row[2] != "PRIMARY") {
            $append = true;
            foreach ($indicies as $index) {
                if ($index["name"] == $row[2]) {
                    $index["col"][] = $row[4];
                    $append = false;
                $indicies[] = array("name" => $row[2], "unique" => !($row[1] == "1"), "col" => array($row[4]));

    foreach ($indicies as $index) {
        MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "ALTER TABLE `{$tab}` DROP INDEX `{$index["name"]}`");
        echo "Dropped index {$index["name"]}. Unique: {$index["unique"]}\n";

    $res = MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `{$tab}`");
    while (($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) != null) {
        $name = $row[0];
        $type = $row[1];
        $current_collation = $row[2];
        $target_collation_bak = $target_collation;
        if(!strcasecmp($current_collation, "latin1_bin"))
            $target_collation = $target_bin_collation;
        $set = false;
	    $binary_typename = binary_typename($type);
        if ($binary_typename != "") {
            MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "ALTER TABLE `{$tab}` MODIFY `{$name}` {$binary_typename}");
            MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "ALTER TABLE `{$tab}` MODIFY `{$name}` {$type} CHARACTER SET '{$target_charset}' COLLATE '{$target_collation}'");
            $set = true;
            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$tab} from type {$type}\n";
        $target_collation = $target_collation_bak;

    // Rebuild indicies
    foreach ($indicies as $index) {
         // Handle multi-column indices
         $joined_col_str = "";
         foreach ($index["col"] as $col)
             $joined_col_str = $joined_col_str . ", `" . $col . "`";
         $joined_col_str = substr($joined_col_str, 2);

         $query = "";
         if ($index["unique"])
             $query = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `{$index["name"]}` ON `{$tab}` ({$joined_col_str})";
             $query = "CREATE INDEX `{$index["name"]}` ON `{$tab}` ({$joined_col_str})";
         MySQLSafeQuery($conn, $query);

        echo "Created index {$index["name"]} on {$tab}. Unique: {$index["unique"]}\n";

    // Set default character set and collation for table
    MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "ALTER TABLE `{$tab}`  DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '{$target_charset}' COLLATE '{$target_collation}'");

// Set default character set and collation for database
MySQLSafeQuery($conn, "ALTER DATABASE `{$db}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '{$target_charset}' COLLATE '{$target_collation}'");

echo "</pre>";


Solution 16 - Php

For Windows Users

In addition to @davidwinterbottom answer, windows users can use command below:

mysql.exe --database=[database] -u [user] -p[password] -B -N -e "SHOW TABLES" \
| awk.exe '{print "SET foreign_key_checks = 0; ALTER TABLE", $1, "CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; SET foreign_key_checks = 1; "}' \
| mysql.exe -u [user] -p[password] --database=[database] &

Replace [database], [user] and [password] placeholders with actual values.

Git-bash users can download this bash script and run it easily.

Solution 17 - Php

For what it's worth, here's an extended version of https://stackoverflow.com/a/42545503/6226915 as a Yii2 ConsoleController class, which can also be used standalone: https://gist.github.com/cboulanger/d30c197235a53d9a2331f19a96d6e00d .

The script fixes a few bugs and adds support for fulltext indexes; also it deals with the regular index key length constraint of 3kb. It also converts all tables to InnoDB.

Solution 18 - Php

For PHP Laravel framework:

  1. Use migration: php artisan make:migration update_character_set_utf8_m4

  2. Migration file logic

    $DBNAME = config('database.connections.mysql.database');
    $CHARACTER = 'utf8mb4';
    $COLLATE = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
    echo "Altering DB $DBNAME\n";
    $tables = DB::select("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{$DBNAME}'");
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        echo "Altering $table->table_name\n";
  3. php artisan migrate


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionuser19302View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PhpDavidWinterbottomView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PhpIvanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Phpuser19302View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PhpBuzzView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PhpRich AdamsView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PhpRameshVelView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PhpDustinView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PhptroelsknView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - PhpAlexander I.GrafovView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - PhpAbdennour TOUMIView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - PhpdtbakerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - Phpsnp0kView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - PhpLuca CamilloView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - PhpsquarecandyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - PhpdavewyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - PhpLost KoderView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - PhpPanyasanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - PhpKhaled LelaView Answer on Stackoverflow